As the kids head back to school, parents are starting to wonder what activities to put them in after school. There are the standard soccer teams and piano lessons, but let's think outside the box, shall we? Have you ever thought about putting your daughter in a rock camp or having her skate on a roller derby team? That's exactly what we explored this morning. I wish I was a kid again because there is so much cool stuff for them to take part in now... I had to walk both ways to school, uphill, barefoot, and in the snow... geez, kids have it so much easier these days haha!
First up was the I-5 Roller Girls (they were also joined by some of the Kitsap Derby Brats) - a huge shout-out to Chris Hunter for gathering all of the girls and to
Fast Girl Skates for supplying me with all of my gear!
Super cool kids. They all have these witty nicknames that they introduce themselves by - I never heard a single first name all morning. They are confident, tough young women that are having a blast and this sport is no joke. I got to skate with the girls and thankfully I didn't break a hip :-) If you want to check them out or have your daughter tryout for the team, head to for more info. Thanks so much to all of the girls and parents that showed up this morning at 4:45am on a school day - you rock!
My new roller buddies
Check out how many girls showed up at 4:45am - way to go!Has your daughter ever wanted to be Joan Jett or a DJ? Well there's a place that she can go to learn all of those skills! It's called Rain City Rock Camp for Girls and it's an awesome program that focuses on building self-esteem and confidence through music. I was joined by Holly Houser (the co-founder) and Jenn Johnson (Asst Director) - two totally amazing ladies. They brought with them a wonderful young lady named Mackenzie who attended the camp this summer. She didn't know that this morning would be her big break on King 5!! She sang and played guitar live for us and she was AWESOME! I think that when she went back to school this morning she probably had to sign autographs!
This is a must for musical girls!
Mackenzie with her guitar, Holly Houser, & Jenn Johnson
Have you ever thought that it would be nice if your child helped out in the kitchen or got more excited about eating dinner? Well now they can! Did you know that there are cooking classes for kids from ages 2-18? Yes, I did just say 2 ... apprently they learn to make cookies and other fun things with their parents. What a great idea! Check it out at
Leika Suzumura, RD - a nutrition educator with PCC Natural MarketsWe also went to '
Charm School' to fine-tune our manners with Mrs. DeGroot of Wallingford Charm School. I think that most of us wish sometimes that our children, husbands, wives, etc, had better manners - we should probably all take a class at least once in our life!
Now go find something cool to have your kids do this fall!
Make it a great day!
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