Quarterbacks and the kicker
After that we had to hustle to make our next live shot on THE ROOF! Holy scary! They outfitted us with safety harnesses to that we couldn't fall off ... oh yea, we also had to sign a waiver in case we fell and died... yikes!
The hardest part was climbing up there. A catwalk, a ladder, and tons of equipment - they tied ropes to our camera and other equipment and brought it up like kids in a tree house bring up their goodies in a pail. See here's the thing...to "go-live" we either need to be tethered to our live truck or somewhere that we can plug in to an outlet that gives us a 'live signal'. We of course didn't have that capability on the roof of Qwest Field, so we had to bring our portable gear (it looks like a cheerleading megaphone that we point at a TV tower...no idea how it works). We had myself to do the easy part (the talking) plus my awesome camera guy Jim (who finds himself in some crazy situations with me lately), and 2 engineers, Ryan & Bob, who hustled their little buns off to get us up there and ready to go in time - GOOD JOB BOYS ...MUCH APPRECIATED!
Anyhoo...I learned how to change out those colored lights you see when driving by Qwest. I, of course, broke one of the bolts ...figures...but we got it done and man it was awesome! Check out some of the pics! They told me that I was THE FIRST person in the history of Qwest Field to be on the roof in heels AND bring a purse up there! Wow...that's quite a honor to have bestowed upon me...lol.

Our entire awesome team ...in our harnesses of course!

Tethered to a huge steel rope ... high heels were not the best choice of shoe today...lol
Great views from the roof of Qwest!
There are still tickets available for Sunday's game! http://www.seahawk.com/ GO HAWKS!!
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