The time is NOW to winterize your tires and make sure you're all set to go for winter roads. CHAINS CHAINS CHAINS!
Now here's the thing ... I'm from Canada where it snows A LOT! I've driven in massive snow storms my entire life and don't know anyone that has ever used chains. I always chuckled whenever I was down here visiting and everyone would be freaking out about "The Pass" and 'did I have my chains'. Uuuhhhhh ... no? lol...!!
Today I learned all about chains and why you need them - pretty interesting. I must say that with the lack of snow removal equipment, the hills, and the way that things freeze/thaw/freeze/thaw/freeze/thaw and then form the ice layer on the road, I can see why you might want these in your trunk. The boys down at East Hill Tire taught me everything I need to know including what kind to buy, which are easiest to install, and what the prices are. You can get your hands on some for about $35 /pair but those can be tricky to get onto your tire. The grand-daddy of all chains are called Auto-Trac - they are a piece of cake to put on and will keep you safe.

Thems are some good lookin' chains right there
We also learned the difference between studded tires, non-studded winter tires, and the all season variety. Bottom line: go to talk to your tire guy and ask because it goes on a case-by-case basis. How much do you drive in the mountains, do you want winter and summer tires, etc

Thanks to the crew over at East Hill Tire for having us this morning and to Kelly for baking goodies!
Ok so what now with la nina i saw some new models projecting mild weather through January. I guess this may not be the worst winter since 1950? Unless we like floods.