Monday mornings can be hard sometimes can't they? Have you ever heard someone say "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning"? I know that I've said that a time or two in my I learned awhile ago though that it's all in my approach - it's all about the attitude I choose to have. When I first met my husband he told me he was a "positologist" - I know you're Christie, that's not even a real word. I had no idea what it meant either and thought... "is that some kind of disease? Or is it like Scientology?" He told me that no, he wasn't sick, it was a word he made up to describe how he thinks. He explained that positology means 'if I think good thoughts, great things happen.' I thought, yea I'm all for a positive attitude, but this sounds ridiculous. Well, as ridiculous as it sounds, IT WORKS! My husband was a professional athlete (he's retired now) and in the NFL your 'mental game' is just as important as the weights you lift in the gym - so I thought that he might be on to something or have learned something through his years in football that I didn't know and thought I could at least give it a try. Changed my life, seriously.
I have to get up at 1:30am to be on KING5's awesome morning show - and you might think that someone who has to get up at that hour would be in a horrible mood all the time. I'm not going to lie, sometimes it's hard to pull myself out from underneath my warm, comfy covers, but I choose to be happy when I get up (after my coffee of course:-) because I love my job and get to interact with the most amazing people. Don't get me wrong though, I've faced a lot of tough things in my life (as we all have) and have thought many times that I didn't know how I would ever get through it. No matter how bad things seem to be going for you or what kind of crisis you are facing, you have the ability to choose how you react to it and deal with whatever may come your way. You don't just have a good day - you MAKE it a great day!

If this little guy doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will :-)
I'm not going to wish you a good day this Monday, I'm going to tell you to get yourself out there and make this the best day of your life!!
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