The hydroplane pits

Two of the cutest racers out there bright and early this morning were Gunnar (12 yrs old) and Makenna O'Farrell (14 yrs old). They're die hards that built their own boats that go as fast as 50 mph - NO SEAT BELT in these boats either! It just proves that this sport is for any age that's willing to learn and try.

On Gunnar's sweet ride

Gunnar and Mackenna

In the cockpit on Steve David's boat
2-time National Champion, Steve David, joined me for that last two segments and taught us all about the engines on board. A lot of people asked me if they are the same as a jet engine, they are not. They are the same engines as used on some helicopters - fascinating! Did you know that the propeller costs $15,000 - FOR ONE - and each boat generally has around three. It was a flurry of activity this morning - a bee hive of men and women in 'flight suits', firefighters escorting the gas tanker that was filling up all of the boats, cranes lifting the boats into the water, and lots of nervous energy! Good luck to all involved this weekend...have a safe race!
Seafair's Albert Lee Cup
August 6th-8th
Times will vary throughout the weekend so check the webiste for schedules
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