Hey guys, I'm Christie!

My husband, Jason, and I in Lucca, Italy for a Dave Matthews concert
First, a little about me. I love dogs, I love to cook & entertain, I love to read, and I love to travel wait...did I already say I love dogs? lol. I'm married to a great guy named Jason and we just started our family with a furry addition named Mocha ... more on that later! My career highlight before joining KING5, happened this past February when I had the awesome opportunity to cover the Olympic Winter Games in my "home and native land" of Canada!

In front of the Olympic Torch
My husband had the incredible opportunity to play football in Europe for the last couple of years. Yes, American football ... not soccer! First we lived in Sicily, Italy which was amazing! Needless to say, the food was as good as advertised..."stretchy pants" were a must (also see: Eat Pray Love).

The gorgeous water in Sicily!
The next year we lived in the Austrian Alps in Innsbruck. What a stunningly beautiful place! Our next door neighbors were a flock of sheep that actually wore bells!! I got right into the culture and even bought a traditional dress called a dirndl.

Beautiful buildings on the bank of the Inn River in Innsbruck

Winter is my favorite season!

In my dirndl! I made friends with the old....

...and the young... here at the Easter Market in the Altstadt (or the "old town")
Now, I have a few goals for this blog... first, sharing all that's happening here in the Northwest. Not everything, just the most wacky, fun, interesting, new, oh-my-god-you-won't-believe-it events. Most of these I'll be covering for King 5 -- but I'll also go a little further here on the blog with website links, additional info, the 411 on what you need to know, and some not-so-professional iPhone photos. (If you want professional, you'll have to visit my husband's website!) Because we all know that not everything great happens only from 5 to 9 am!
Secondly, to talk about what's fabulous! You know, the sort of stuff Carrie would tell Samantha, or BIZKIT THE SLEEP WALKING DOG (see below), and none of the stuff your husband tries to show you on TV you have to pretend to pay attention to. Finally -- I don't want to let the cat out of the bag here -- but not everything goes according to plan on live TV. On this blog you'll find out the (exaggerated but) true story of how things get to air, such as when I get lost on the way to a shoot and arrive just seconds before we go to air (hair brushed and looking glam, of course :-) So without further ado, here we go!
Bizkit the sleepwalking dog - fabulous and funny
But we all know it's not fun talking in an empty room, so be sure to pipe in with your comments, suggestions, story/event ideas, and of course, that non-sequitur you've be saving for some time.
Ciao for now!
ReplyDeleteKing 5 is the luckiest station around! I will be going to their site every day to catch up on everything in Seattle and I can't wait to come visit! Canada misses you - but America needs you!
XOXO The Milners!